LoftOpera presents Mozart's “The Marriage of Figaro” ↬ 7-9 November 2013
Here was immersive theater of great originality, presented by talented and serious young people.
I have seldom exited an opera performance feeling so happy.
LoftOpera is sensational precisely because they eschew any effort at “relevance”
and dig deep into the ideas in the words and music and find very fresh, original ways of presenting them
in this unusual space, one that became part of the performance.
Photograph by George Del Barrio
The Marriage of Figaro is LoftOpera’s second production, both have happened at Gowanus Loft.
We’ve cut the work down to about 100 minutes, and will present it with a full cast and a nearly-full-size orchestra.
The LoftOpera team is a group of young creatives:
we’re the people that are constantly striving to make great art no matter the budget, no matter the pitfalls.
[ Curtain 9p 7-9 November 2013 at Gowanus Loft ]