Madhura Studios is a research laboratory + studio set that incubates, nourishes, and amplifies liberating frequencies through the intentioned use of sound, movement & sensation.


We invite creative practitioners from the fields of music, yoga, art, spirituality, and ideas to work with our team to present truly meaningful experiences for minds, bodies, and souls. We believe artists and yogis are some of the most important people to resource and amplify.

“Paralyzed” music video featuring ArinMaya and Edson Sean — from Paine the Poet’s “MONSTER”


In Ayurveda (a system of traditional medicine native to India), there are six tastes. “Madhura” is the sweet taste. From the Sanskrit, it can translate as “sweet, pleasant, or nectarous,”or as “melodious” when used in relation to music. We intend to bring senses of sweetness, compassion, dedication, and authenticity to all our processes. We believe in the power of intimacy, closeness, and smallness. We encourage play and exploration.


Madhura also knows that life is a balance of dark & light.
We believe in holding space for sorrow, sadness, and shadow.
We also believe doing so allows you to know the light more deeply.